Last month marked the FIRST EVER Demon Barber Clog Competition at Shepley Spring Festival!
The competition was set up by our own Demon Barber cloggies to provide a ‘no-rules’ competition that was open to all styles of clog dance. In their own words…
We don’t want there to be any rules, dancers can use whatever music they like, wear what they like and dance whatever steps they like! We want to encourage performance, innovation and enjoyment as much as we can. That doesn’t mean a traditional dance performed well and with character might not blow our minds, we just want to be open to anything!
The marking criteria was split into 3 sections, performance, technical and innovation, each marked out of ten.
We were so pleased with the variety of styles, ages and dances we saw on the day, there were entrants from the ages of 7 up to 30 something (it’s rude to ask) traditional dances, original dances, step clog, north west, group, solo, English and French Canadian dances were all on display and looking marvelous!
The worthy winner was Eilidh Brindsley who performed her already award winning, self penned, competition steps! She won a pair of our very special new Demon Barber Clog Competition clogs kindly sponsored by the amazing Phil Howard! THANKS PHIL!
In second place was Natalie Reid, and in third place, Sarah Dalrymple, both won a beautiful Demon Barber Clog Comp keyring/badge (also made by Phil! THANKS PHIL!)
It must be mentioned that although they didn’t officially win any leatherwear, Earlsdon Morris put on a great show and earned themselves 9/10 for performance, the best performance mark overall!
We’d like to thank the two amazing judges Laura Simpson from The Lock In, judging performance, and Jane Garbutt a founder member of The Fosbrooks, and soon to be dancing with us in The Lock In, judging technical and innovation. They did a sterling job and were a joy to have around.
Last but of course not least, thanks to Becky Graham our ‘live-in’ musician for the evening and to all the other musicians who played throughout the competition.
So! Onwards and upwards! There will be a SECOND EVER Demon Barber Clog Comp again at Shepley Spring Festival 2014! There will be a few changes… Firstly there will be 2 age catagories, an under 12 catagory and an over 12 catagory to encourage more youngsters to enter. Secondly there will be an added !!!CASH PRIZE!!! for each catagory! Over 12 catagory 1st place will receive £100, 2nd place £50 and third place £25, while the under 12 winners will be presented with £25, 2nd place and 3rd place both £10. Provided by The Demon Barbers.
If you’re feeling inspired and you’d like to find out more about the competition then please visit our Facebook page, and if you’d like to enter please email us at and we’ll pop you on the list!
If you think you’d like to enter something a bit sooner then there is the Lancashire and Cheshire Clog Contest in Fylde in September (also a Young Performers Contest at the same festival), and also the Saddleworth Morris Rushcart Clog Comp, August Bank Holiday Sunday. Get your clogs on and get showing off!!
Thanks to everyone who entered and watched the competition, we had a great evening and hope you did too 🙂