The Demon Barbers website has been undergoing some rigorous spring cleaning over the last few weeks due to unprecedented attempts by spammers to upload malware to our pages.

As you can see from this picture Rosie, Ben, Lee & Will are all very happy that we’ve had the all clear from Google and that our site is secure again.

To help give additional ongoing security we have taken the decision to disable the comments from our posts along with site membership.  We will now be using a simple newsletter opt-in form that reduces the risk of hackers gaining access to our site.

This form can be found in the top right of our screen so please don’t be shy!

We usually send out a newsletter every month or so and no contacts are passd on to third parties.

All users who have previously registered will be automatically added to our e-mailing list.

We do appreciate your feedback though so please continue to keep in touch on



The Demon Barbers