Mick Peat and Lester Simpson have, over the last 25 years, given so much support to the folk genre through their internationally renowned Folkwaves programme, a show which is now destined to be broadcast for the last time on December 27th.
A facebook page has been created by Phil Carter, a folk music enthusiast, to allow people to make their feelings known and to voice their concerns to the BBC. The DemonĀ Barbers feel it is vital for the protection of our traditions to demonstrate our collective support for these two fine broadcasters and respected stalwarts of the folk tradition.
Whatever support is offered on the facebook page over the next week or so, Phil will print off the comments, bind them together and personally present them to the persons responsible the decison at the BBC in London. Any artists/musicians/fans who would like to join him at the handover would be very welcome.
If you would like to help protest against this decision please visit the facebook page or write directly to:
Mr. Stuart Thomas
BBC East Midlands
London Rd
Mr S Cornes
BBC Radio Derby
56 St, Helen’s Street
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